Saturday, August 10, 2013

Welcome to Real Christianity!

I love Region 5.  I always thought it would be neat to have a Bible study for some girls in Region 5, where we could just openly talk about stuff, and have a sort of "anchor group" where we could go to if we ever needed to talk about anything. 

That's the idea behind this blog!  Here's a quick overview of what's set up so far:

       -Home:  Each Sunday, there'll be a new weekly devotional post that you can read, if you want!  The first one will be up on August 18th!  Comments under the post are always great starters for discussion and thoughts, and that's what turns a blog post into an actual Bible study, so please don't hesitate at all to start conversations with that!  :)

       -Purity:  At first, I thought purity might be a cool topic to post as one of the weekly devotionals, but God has really been speaking to my heart about how important this topic is, so I decided to make a whole page for it. This is also where most of the things from Eric and Leslie Ludy's website will be!!  :) More about the focus of that page can be found under the purity tab.

       -The Real Us:  As teenagers, there are all kinds of things that we struggle with, that we don't really talk about. One of the big ones seems to be insecurity. Insecurity is discouraging, and sometimes just plain annoying, but, either way, it's real. Sometimes, it just feels good to talk about it, or to hear that other people are struggling with it, too. This was +Emily Hollaway's great idea, and I'm really excited to see what God does with it!

"Real Christianity" is registered under my G+ account, but this is not designed to be my blog. That said, if you have any interesting in being an author on the blog, or have any ideas for new tabs, weekly devotional topics (or ideas for month-long devotional series!), or anything else, please feel free to email me!!  I'd love to hear your thoughts!  Love you guys, and can't wait to hopefully connect with you on here!

~Hannah ♥

1 comment:

Olivia said...

This is great, Hannah! Thanks for starting this up.

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