One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp
Ann is a beautiful author who delves deep into what it means to truly live in the joy of the Lord, and the meaning of true gratefulness. We are called to be young women of joy, apostles of the interior peace and love of Christ that breeds hope. Can you write down 1,000 gifts that you are grateful to God for? Sound like a crazy lot? Not so much, once you get started. Get dared, and take on the challenge :)
(Recommended by Caroline)
When God Writes Your Love Story, by Eric and Leslie Ludy
(Recommended by Amanda, Hannah, and Christine)
The Holiness Revolution, by Dan Dematte
You wanna change the world? Well then c'mon, join the Holiness Revolution. Ladies, enough of sitting back and watching the despair, the fear, the horrors, the sinfulness that our entire world has fallen into. Take one look at the statistics, and it's obvious that the world needs something new, something life-changing, something revolutionary. As Christians, we KNOW that the only power great enough to truly turn this world of sin upside down is the power of Jesus Christ, amen? But are we going to keep that for ourselves? Mr. Dematte's words will challenge you, push you, and stretch you in ways you probably haven't experienced before, but in the end, you're gonna want in.
"The Holiness Revolution is about bringing a complete and radical change in the world. It's about serving God rather than serving yourself, about loving Jesus more than your own sin. It's about rejecting sin and Satan and living the radical life of a saint. It's a life of sacrifice. It's the Christian life.
Either you will change the world, or the world will change you.
What will it be?"
(Note: It is written by a Catholic author, and has quotes from Pope Benedict / saints along with some references / mention to Catholic beliefs such as the Eucharist, but overall it is AMAZINGLY INSPIRING and it changed my life. <3)
(Recommended by Caroline)
Wrestling Prayer, by Eric and Leslie Ludy
(Recommended by Hannah and Christine)
Keep a Quiet Heart, by Elisabeth Elliot
This beautiful book details the quiet strength of this great woman of faith, through a collection of her personal journal entries. Keep a Quiet Heart gives you a deep glance into the intimacy between the King of Kings and a woman who was willing to give up everything, even her own husband, to follow Him.
(Recommended by Hannah)
Nothing Else I Need, by Jeremy Camp
(Recommended by Caroline)
Forever Reign, by Hillsong Worship
(Recommended by Caroline)
Wake, by Hillsong Young and Free
(Recommended by Caroline
What I Know, by Tricia from the God's Not Dead Soundtrack
(Recommended by Caroline)
What Do I Know of Holy? by Addison Road
(Recommended by Hannah)
True Love, by Phil Wickham
(Recommended by Hannah)
How Many Kings, by Downhere
(Recommended by Hannah)
Hero, by Abandon
(Recommended by Hannah)
Laura has a gift and talent for writing music that is fun to listen to but also rekindles the fiery longing in our heart to draw closer to God. In her new album, she brings some beautiful new songs to our attention but also some new lyrics to some of her older songs. I highly recommend buying it! You can find out more about Laura at
(Recommended by Amanda)
Album: The Story, by Various Christian Artists
Favorite tracks include:
"The Good (Adam & Eve)" by Matthew West
"It Must Be You (Moses)" by Mercy Me
"Bring Us Home (Joshua)" by Michael Tate of the Newsboys (ft. Blanca and Lecrae)
"How Love Wins (The Thief)" by Stephen Curtis Chapman.
"How Love Wins (The Thief)" by Stephen Curtis Chapman.
(Recommended by Hannah)
Audios & Videos:
A Fireside Chat with the Pastor: Eric Ludy Sermon
"This is a unique and deeply personal peek into the heart of a pastor. Eric Ludy approached this message very differently than a typical sermon, bringing a warmth, familiarity, and vulnerability to it that lent an endearing and unforgettable luster to this particular Sunday morning. It’s impossible to listen to this message without being impacted." -Ellerslie Mission Society
Incorrigibly Cheerful: Eric Ludy Sermon
"The Christian is one who has a reason to smile. And this reason doesn't change . . . ever. The Christian possesses an indomitable joy, an impervious sense of gratitude, and an ever-present buoying grace that supplies, not just an endurance through difficulties, but shouts of joy in the midst of the darkest of life's turns." -Ellerslie Mission Society
(Recommended by Hannah)
The Patriot: Eric Ludy Sermon
"This message proved the catalyst to a deeply moving week at Ellerslie. It's a call to rise up and play the part of the patriot - to feel what God feels, and thusly to do what God does. God did not stand by passively and allow Sin to have its way in our lives. He actually did something about it. He stood up and played the patriot. Are we willing to do the same in this generation?" -Ellerslie Mission Society
(Recommended by Hannah)
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