Sunday, January 19, 2014


It's winning.

It's massive awards. 

It's nationals. 

It's walking across the stage in front of hundreds of people, the Hall of Fame, writing for the nation's biggest Sourcebooks, bringing home a giant silver cup, and being ranked among the nation's top competitors. 

..........And then what?

The next year hits. Two weeks later, everyone's enjoying their summer vacations, and no one remembers how awesomely you placed. You go back to qualifiers. You scare some people, maybe. You fight to get back to nationals. You fight to place again. You fight to bring home another cup. 

And then?  That one sits there right next to last year's to gather dust in your bedroom. 

And we call it?  Victory. 

We graduate. We turn to the next page in our life book. And way too many of us leave without making an impact. We may leave with our beautiful silver trophies, and we may leave our fingerprint on the hall of fame, but how often do people leave NCFCA, and leave fingerprints on people's hearts?

When the Son of God came to earth, His goal wasn't to impress people, or gain glory for Himself. He came to touch hearts. To save hearts. He wasn't there for Him. He was there for life

As most of you know, nationals has always had a very special place in my heart. It's always, ALWAYS been my goal to advance to outrounds and walk across the stage at that final showdown. And, for three years, I have been exactly one round away from making it. Every year, it's been a 3-3. But when I started TP, I was motivated to fight my hardest to make it to a national level and advance. My partner, Sarah, and I worked our tails off, printing evidence, writing cases and buying sourcebooks. We were going to be ready.

And, two weeks ago, my mom got a phone call from Mrs. Zitter. The date for the national championship this year is a little earlier than most of us had expected....especially for the Zitters. In fact, Sarah would be touring Europe that week with her choir, and wouldn't make it. 

Nationals in debate is completely out of the picture, for the whole year. 

I remember sitting down at my desk that day, and looking at the piles of sourcebooks scattered on my floor next to a neatly arranged row of file boxes. I'd competed in speech every year, but debate at nationals had always been where the focus was. Now?  No matter how hard Sarah and I worked, we couldn't go to nationals. We couldn't walk across the stage. We couldn't bring home a trophy. I couldn't break. I couldn't even go 3-3.

And that's when God put the question in my mind: Why are you doing this?  Or, more specifically Who are you doing this for?

Some of you might have seen this post that appeared on G+ that day:

 Hannah David

Shared privately  -  Jan 3, 2014
If you're an NCFCA student, and you're reading this right now, could you do me a quick favor?

Sit down and ask yourself why you even bother to do debate.

I thought for 3 years I knew. But when priorities change? When plans don't go "as-planned"? Suddenly, you've gotta question whether you're really doing this "to address life issues from a Biblical worldview in a manner that glorifies GOD"......or if this is really more just for YOU.

Why do you show up to tournaments?  Cuz trophes gather dust. Even the big ones. Even my friend's shiny 4th-place National Championship cup. And people forget all the amazing things you did, and tournaments you won.

Don't lie to yourself...... is this actually "to glorify God"?  Or is that just a nifty little phrase you use as a Christian?

'Cuz tournament season's coming fast, y'all.  
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How does your life define "Victory"?  How do your goals define it?  How do you define it?

It is man-made trophies, non-lasting fame, and walking across a stage for two and half seconds of glory?  Maybe it's having that one guy over at the other table in the hangout room talk to you, or being seen as beautiful.  For each of us, it's something different. But how many of us define "victory" as living to the fullest for Jesus Christ?

How many of us are going to leave NCFCA without leaving our fingerprints on anyone's hearts?  How many of us are going to be so focused on breaking that we don't even see the pain of those who don't advance?

I'll be the first to admit that this was me last tournament season. I was so focused on myself. I didn't even try to be there for those that didn't break when I advanced to meet my goals, and I cried when I was that person at Regionals. My eyes were on trophies, on winning, on impressing, and on myself. And I had the nerve to do it all under a Christian label.

This year, my goals are different: I want to focus on Christ. I want to fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith who, for the joy set before Him, willingly endured the cross, scorning its shame. I want people to look at me, and see the love of Jesus. I don't want them to see me. I don't want them to see my trophies. I don't want them to see my colorful outfit, or impressive evidence cards. I want them to see a victorious life, being poured out to the fullest, for the Lover of my Soul.

I want to be ready for Him to break me. If I can touch someone more fully by not advancing to the next round, so be it. I want to live out the life He died to give me.

Join me?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wrestling to the Break of Day

When Amy Carmichael was a temporary missionary in Japan, the organization she affiliated with regularly held small worship conferences for the surrounding villagers. Usually, there was a small turnout, and the energy and resources poured in to sharing Jesus in this way only resulted in a few being saved. One meeting, however, Amy felt God strongly speaking to her heart to pray that nine souls would be found that week at the conference. She asked her fellow workers at the mission to join her in prayer, but they refused. No meeting had ever touched anywhere near nine souls that deeply, and they were sure this conference would be no exception. Besides, if they did decide to pray, and God didn't give them what they asked, it would "defile His name". But Amy was sure God had called her to pray for nine souls, and proceeded to do so, even if she was praying alone. And, that conference, God gave her the exact number she had asked......nine people came to Christ that night. 

Prayer is one of the strongest (if not the strongest) weapons in the arsenal of God. It turns average people into warriors. It takes hold of heaven and pulls it down to earth. It changes the world.

At some point in time, I think each one of us has told someone "I'll pray for you". But how many of us have actually acted on those words?  A lot of times, "praying for someone" consists of nothing more than a quick afterthought of:  God, please help Amanda on her test. Amen.

For most of us, prayer isn't a part of our daily routine. We thank God for our food, and we say a quick prayer maybe in the morning or at night, but how often, during the day, do we just sit down and listen to Him, or talk to Him?

Prayer is vital to a truly functioning Christian life. Paul commands his audience to "pray without ceasing." And he meant it. Every minute of every day....pray.

If you want to get close to Jesus?  Stay plugged in.

Today, I want to focus specifically on what I think we as American Christians lack the most: Wrestling Prayer.

Eric Ludy, in his message "As in the Ancient Days", refers to the story in Mark 2:1-11. In this miraculous healing, the friends of the paralytic couldn't get to Jesus. They were separated by crowds of people and roof tiles. But that didn't stop them. Their friend needed healing. So?  They pulled off the roof tiles, and lowered their friend to the feet of Jesus. Today, there are more roof tiles separating Jesus Christ from this world. God's calling to His people?  Pull down the roof tiles. Tear down the pieces separating the world from God. Pull down the roof tiles so part of heaven can come down to earth. Pulling down the roof tiles is a process known as prayer.

In Genesis 32:22-31, Jacob finds himself alone at night, wrestling with God Himself. Halfway through, his hip was literally disjointed from its socket. But Jacob was relentless. "I will not let you go unless you bless me."  This was just verses before Jacob went back to his homeland to face his brother, Esau, who had threatened him with death. Jacob knew he couldn't go in his own strength to face Esau. "I will not let're all I have. Please go with me."  God's response?  "Your name will be called Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome."

God rewards relentlessly persistent prayers. He calls us to wrestle in prayer until the break of day, and not let go until He has given us what we ask. Christians are commanded to inexorably pull down the roof tiles and bring their needs to the feet of Jesus.

And God loves bold prayers. When Jesus was on earth, it was obvious throughout His ministry that He loved children. He even said specifically that: "The kingdom of heaven belongs to them." He calls us to have a child-like faith. The problem with "mature" humans is that they stop to consider impossibilities. Like Amy Carmichael's fellow missionaries, they don't want to pray for the impossible, because they may not get an answer. But, as Leslie Ludy writes on the subject, if we are truly asking, in faith, for something that aligns with God's will, we can be sure that He will answer us.

Elijah prayed for drought, and no rain fell upon the land for years. When he prayed again, the rain clouds came. Hannah prayed for a son, and Samuel was born. The church in Acts prayed for Peter while he was imprisoned, and an angel came to release him. Hudson Taylor's mother prayed for six hours one night that her wayward son would find Christ, and the next day, Hudson had abandoned his life for the sake of Jesus. Lillian Trasher prayed for food for her starving Egyptian orphanage that was facing foreclosure, and was answered with an entire shipload of supplies.

Why don't we hear things like that in our modern day?  I think we often approach those amazing stories in the Bible as things of the past, but our God doesn't change. And He is still able to work these miracles today. The problem isn't Him...... it's us.

When was the last time you came before God with an "impossible" request?  And how hard did you wrestle for it?  Did you wrestle at all?

Prayer is hard. When Elijah prayed for rain in 1 Kings, he sent his servant to look for rain six separate times. Each time, there were no clouds. But Elijah trusted God, and continued to wrestle in prayer and kick doubt in the jaw. And on the 7th time, his servant saw the rain cloud.

Wrestling prayer is incredible. It's world-altering. It's miraculous. And it's still possible. The Bible collectively gives us several pointers on how to start.

Know Your God

This one may seem obvious, but it's amazing how much we simplify God!  Stay amazed at who He is. Pursue His word. Seek Him. Stay plugged in. Prayer is impossible if we don't intimately know who we're praying to. Prayer is the act of a spiritual warrior. When David's men fought for him, they gave him their all because they loved him. In the cave of Adullum, three of them ran out into a mob of fighting Philistines just to get him a cup of cold water. This isn't just a fight, it's intimately close to your King's heart. Embrace that closeness. Let Him lead you. Know the One you're fighting for, and know Him intimately.


God knows the roof tiles that He needs you to pull down. Listen to God. Know where He has set His eyes in this world, and fight for His purposes. He will show you what you need to be seeing.

Have the Faith of a Five-Year-Old

Don't stop to consider the impossibilities. When God lays something on your heart, it's your job to pull down the roof tiles and leave the rest in His hands. Trust your King. Take up the Shield of Faith. Jesus Himself promised that, when you ask in His name, you will be answered. If you're pulling down the roof tiles he showed you, you can be confident that your wrestling will not be in vain.

Wrestle Relentlessly

God is not eager to award half-hearted prayers. You may have a dislocated joint. You may be in pain. You may feel distant from God, and you may not feel like praying. None of that matters. You wrestle anyways. Be relentless. Be bold in your requests. Don't let the roof tiles go. Don't let go until He answers. There may be a lot of roof tiles to pull down. But if He showed you He wanted you to pull them down?  Your job is to follow relentlessly, and not give in to your flesh.

I used to pray every night for awhile in my comfortable bed. I would curl up under the covers and talk to God an hour after everyone else had gone to bed. I would "listen" to Him......for five minutes, before comfort took over and I laid down to go to sleep. Last Thursday, God placed a pressing desire to hear from Him in my heart. So, I took up my usual prayer position and waited for His voice. It came...but it wasn't what I was expecting. "Get up. Get on your floor, I have something to show you."  Reluctantly, I peeled myself out of my bed and sat down on my cold carpet. It wasn't comfortable. My flesh was whining loudly, and telling me to get back into bed before I froze. I reminded my flesh that I was not living in Minnesota, and would survive sitting up a little while. And it was uncomfortable. But God was true to His word.... He had something beautiful to show me. And I was able to truly wrestle for the first time in a long time over the roof tiles he had laid on my heart.

Bring a Bathroom-Buddy

Good old kindergarten rule. :) Never head out by yourself. Find an accountability partner, who can challenge you to be relentless in your prayers. God doesn't command you to do this by yourself.

Real prayer is beautiful. Take it from someone who's had a teensy-tiny taste of the spectacular power of wrestling prayer... this is something you CANNOT miss.

Assignment for this week: Find the roof tiles God needs you to pull down. And then get busy.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Armor of God

I'm sure almost all of us have read Ephesians 6, and heard of the Armor of God. Maybe you've been inspired by it, and wanted to take it up, or maybe it's just a nice idea that your mind tends to skim over, or try to reason with. But what we find in here is absolutely amazing!  Take a look:

That in and of itself is spectacular if you think about it.............God is willing to arm us with everything we need for Life and Godliness!  But it gets even more spectacular when you look at Isaiah 59. 

Look some of those words......righteousness as a breastplate, the helmet of salvation.....sound familiar? Ephesians 6 doesn't just describe armor from God... it's literally the armor OF God. God is giving His people direct access to His personal arsenal.

Its power described in Isaiah 59 is supernatural!  Honesty could not enter, justice and righteousness stood far off, truth could not be found, and whoever shunned evil was immediately targeted for destruction. It sounds pretty impossible. But God still stepped in. In His own strength, He saved His people. He turned injustice on its head, and restored righteousness. He conquered destruction.

And?  Paul says that power belongs to us, too, in Christ. In other words.....if you are truly in Jesus, you have His victory.

Why don't we as Christians live this way?  We have free access to this arsenal. Why in the world don't we use it?

Maybe one of the answers can be found in the climax of time, when these weapons were put on the display to their fullest extent by God's own son. When He single-handedly took on the authorities and power of this dark world and the forces of evil in the heavenly realms, and defeated them. In this amazing scene, portrayed in all four gospels, Jesus stood His ground, with the belt of truth buckled around His waist. Despite having every reason to doubt, He trusted that what His father had planned for Him was not a mistake. God's word is fact, not a suggestion or opinion. He was sinless, with the breastplate of His own righteousness in place. His feet were ready to fearlessly walk the Via Dolorosa and fulfill the gospel of peace. He extinguished the mockery and flaming arrows surrounding Him with faith that His father knew what He was doing. He donned the helmet of salvation, so that He could bring it to the world, and fulfilled the word of God.

This scene was the cross itself.

I think this highlights an important aspect of the Armor of God: using it is no easy call. In fact, it is almost guaranteed to hurt at some point. Because God has an Enemy. And when we take up God's armor?  We go into direct combat with that Enemy. And that means we're going to be under attack.

It all comes down to what I think are Satan's two greatest weapons against the church of Christ: Fear and Apathy.

Some of us are afraid to take up this armor. We're afraid to follow wherever God might take us, and we're afraid to carry our crosses. We've convinced ourselves that when justice stands afar off, and honesty cannot enter, that we can't enter, either. But God proved otherwise. If you are in Christ?  You have His victory. Period. It doesn't matter who you are, how weak you are, or what you've done. All you have to do is get into Christ Jesus, and you are equipped with His power over sin and death.

Most of us are probably on the other side of that, though. We're too apathetic to even want to fight Satan. We're so comfortable in our own lives and situations that the fact that there's an Enemy out to destroy the world isn't really a major concern. We're so far removed from the battle that we can't even see it. We're falling right into Satan's trap. He doesn't want us to care. Because if you do care, as a Christian?  If you really, really care enough to take up the full armor of God, get into Christ Jesus spiritually, and never leave?  You have the power of Jesus Christ. The power that defeated death, and the power that defeated Satan.

Let's take a look more specifically at what's in this supernatural arsenal:

The Belt of Truth

Your God is Truth. He's fact. He can't change. No matter what Satan says, no matter what doubts he tries to place in your mind, God is still there. He is Truth.

The Breastplate of Righteousness

You've made mistakes. More than you can count. You have sinned against the living God of the universe Himself, and you deserve hell. But He died to save you, and give you His righteousness. There is NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ. You are no longer a slave to sin and death. You don't have to live that way anymore.

Feet Fitted with Readiness

You are living on a battlefield, and there are millions of lost, dying souls who don't know Truth. God has a plan for you - your job is to be ready to go. Wherever it is. In God's strength, you can have the courage and readiness to follow wherever He calls you.

Shield of Faith

Satan is going to attack you. And some of those attacks are going to be BIG. Some of you have already felt the weight of those attacks, and may have even questioned God's goodness. You can't see God, and you can't touch Him. But He is still Truth. (If you want to have a conversation on how we know God is real, I would love to engage in that with you, just email me!)  In God's strength, you can carry this shield immovably, and the Enemy will have no access to your heart.

The Sword of the Spirit

You only have two offensive weapons; this is one of them. When Jesus was subject to temptation, He quoted scripture. Although this may not seem powerful, this is one of your strongest weapons. The gospel of Christ can change lives. This immovable book has survived the test of time for thousands of years, and has the power to save.


This is your second offensive weapon, and if we're honest, it probably seems like one of the weakest. But that's only if you haven't witnessed the power of world-altering, wrestling prayer.  This topic is so deep and powerful, and is too much to get into with just a few sentences. More next week!