Sunday, September 7, 2014

Glimpses: Introduction

Many years ago, an ambitious young missionary set off for a tribal area in India. After months of labor for Christ, he finally brought his first converts to the gospel; just one man and his family. When the village chief heard of their conversion, he brought the little family to the public square in front of the entire community, and declared that, if the man would not renounce his faith, his children would be killed before his own eyes. The man stood firm, with these words:
I have decided to follow Jesus,
No turning back.
Enraged, the chieftan commanded the children to be put to death before the community. He turned to the man again, and threatened to do the same to his wife, if he would not deny Christ. With trembling hands, but a steadfast heart, the man responded:
The cross before me, the world behind me.
No turning back.
Within minutes, the man's wife had followed her children to their cruel fate. The village leader declared that this was the man's final chance; if he would not deny Christ, he, too, would be murdered. His brave response was simple:
Though none go with me, still I will follow.
No turning back.
These were the last words he ever spoke. Within minutes, his body lay on the ground next to those of his family. The community was silenced as they witnessed his brave martyrdom. That hour, the entire village was brought to salvation because of the testimony of one man and his tiny family...... including the chief who had initiated their deaths.

Thus begins the story of one of the greatest worship songs ever composed; one written by the blood of one man whose entire life was resolved to show the world that the life of Christ had not been poured forth without a purpose. He had entered a covenant with his precious king of kings, and he was determined never to turn his back on Jesus.... even if it meant giving up his own life.

You call yourself a Christian. 
You talk the Good talk.
But if they slighted you, would you still walk the walk?
You call yourself a Christian.
You sing, you praise Christ.
But would you keep rejoicing if it cost you your life?

2,000 years ago, one man set foot on the surface of Nazareth. His mission was intense, and beautiful in its simplicity. With one word from his lips, he lead a dead man from the grave, and stilled a raging storm. This man touched water, and it became wine; touched a blind man, and he could see; touched a paralytic, and he walked. He was the fulfillment of an ancient covenant, with a mission to restore. He was the long-awaited one. People caught a glimpse of God Himself in this man, and followed him by the thousands. This was the one, who would fulfill what countless generations of law could not. This was the one, who would take death's own weapon and, while nailed upon it, struck all of hell a fatal blow in the climax of all time. This was the one, who would cast out demons and fight to protect the integrity of the temple.... yet would gently invite the least of these, by name, to His side. This was the one, who would lead legions of angels to victory in the final battle.

This is Jesus Christ.

"Glimpses" is about His person. The goal of this series is to delve deeper into who Jesus was, and is, as revealed all throughout scripture. I think if we only knew truly who Jesus was, not as an idea, but as a person, we would gladly pick up our crosses, and die with Him.  From Genesis to Revelation, glimmers and promises of this Messiah appear. Over the next few weeks, I'm excited to explore them throughout this series. This is going to be a diverse exploration, going from the depth of wealth shown in Creation and the "Son of Man" in Ezekiel, to the heart-wrenched cry, "I Thirst" as described by Mother Teresa... and everything in between!

Because of its diversity, I'm anticipating that this series will continue through the end of this year, and blend in with our second advent series in December. As I'm starting to get ready for this series, I'm amazed by how much this particular topic is growing me spiritually. Through initiating Real Christianity for over a year now, I'm seeing more and more that it's those who write the posts that truly gain the most from them, because they know the material the most intimately. I am always excited to receive devotionals that each of you have written, but I would like to specifically open an invitation to you, to write for this particular series. If you truly want Jesus Christ, it's not going to be enough to just take my word for it. I would encourage you to dig deeper for yourself, in your search for Christ. Don't just read my thoughts on His miracles and parables; write some of your own. Don't just hear about my experience with the cross through the Gospels; see it for yourself. See Him for yourself.

"You will seek me, and find me,
when you seek for me 
with all your heart."
                                     -Jeremiah 29:13

As Christians, we have all, in a sense, "decided to follow Jesus". But do we truly understand what that means?  Do we understand who we're following?  Have we caught a glimpse of the pain, majesty, beauty, purity and glory that defines true Christianity?  My hope and prayer is that this series will stretch us, challenge us, and build us. I think it would be hard to say that any of us who sits down and really takes a serious look at their faith doesn't have a longing, on some level, for something more. The goal of this series is to take that longing to the bank, and pursue what we were created for. I would invite you to dive fully into this series with me. Try not to approach these devotionals with a distracted mind. This isn't about me, or anyone else who may contribute devotionals. This is about the glory of Jesus Himself, and a deeper knowledge of Him. All I can ask is that you take HIM seriously. Because, when you do, you will never regret it.

Are you ready to catch a glimpse of God's son?

I have decided to follow Jesus,

No turning back.

No turning back.

Sneak Peak to next week's devotional!!

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