Sunday, May 17, 2015

Lily Among Thorns


"I am a rose of Sharon,

    a lily of the valleys.


Like a lily among thorns
    is my darling among the young women."
-Song of Songs 2:1-2

Almost two years ago, God awakened me to the vision of a lifestyle completely set apart for Him. The thought of that selfless existence drew me in, and I tried to chase it. I was inspired by the stories of women from the past, and in the present, who had walked the narrow path and emerged victorious. Elisabeth Elliot, who went back to Ecuador to serve and love the people who had killed her husband. Gladys Aylward, who followed no matter the danger, and brought light to the darkest places. Amy Carmichael, who rescued children and poured out her life to see God's justice come to earth. These women were truly lilies of the valley; their stories and trust in Him were beautiful beyond imagination.

I wanted to follow. I had caught the vision. But I wasn't anticipating the thorns. I knew they were coming; I was expecting the difficulties to come from the world, and the pressure to give in to a mediocre lifestyle. I wasn't expecting what happened.

The thorns came. They're here. But they weren't from outside. The thorns I face, that try to choke the life out of my spiritual journey, come from within. My flesh, telling me sleep is more important than late nights of wrestling prayer. My pride, whispering that a servant's heart is unnecessary. My selfishness, convincing me that love is something that has to be deserved.

And we've all given into the thorns, on some level. The subtle lies of the Enemy, that tell us that we are our own chief concern, and everything else is secondary, seem so right, and we are easily led astray. Looking back is painful. The way I failed to fight. The way I failed to serve. The way I failed to love. Left with only the ashes of what was once a burning passion to follow Him, no matter what.

Alone, we are ashes, crushed under the thorns.

But we aren't called to fight on our own. It doesn't matter how many times it's been repeated; the truth remains that God is with you, and fights for you. His banner over you is love; there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. You are not defined by your yesterday. I've heard that phrase so many times, and I used to repeat it, to remind myself that I wasn't the person I was three years ago. I forget how literal it can and should be; I'm not defined by last year's mistakes, but I'm not even defined by Saturday May 16th's mistakes. I'm not defined by the person I was, or even the person I am. My identity is not in who I am, but in whose I am. In ourselves, we are nothing, but in Him, there is freedom and life and the strength to love and be loved.

Through Him, I am more than what these ashes say. They are fleeting, but He is eternal. In Christ, we are a new creation, freed from yesterday, freed from the power of our thorns over us.

I love the words of Isaiah 43:

"When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze."
-Isaiah 43:2

This is an incredible promise; through Him, we are untouched by the attacks that would come against us. But He never promised that the attacks wouldn't come. Although they will not sweep over you, the rivers will still rise around you; although the flames will not burn you, they will still emerge in your midst. His promise was not an easy life; His promise was of victory.

The thorns will still be there. On this side of the cross, sin still exists. But through Jesus, it has no power over us.

But in Him, we are a lily among thorns, not under them.

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Worship Song: 

"More Than Ashes"
by Tim Reinherr

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