It's a pretty common question to hear your senior year. People have asked me this more times than I can count, and I appreciate the interest they have in my plans. So I tell them I'm going to college next year, and I eventually want to be a pediatrician.
Lately, I've been giving that question a little more thought. I realized that other people weren't the only ones interested in my future; I was beyond excited for it. I couldn't wait to study abroad, volunteer in refugee hospitals, and go on medical missions trips. I had wanted to do those kinds of things for so long, but now they were becoming tangible realities, only months away from happening.
We tend to have so many thoughts and dreams for our future. Whether it's vocational, relational, or anything in between, there is so much room in the future to dream about and look forward to. I love that feeling of anticipation that sends thrills through my being, as I think ahead, in the months, years, and decades to come.
But, over the past month, I've been realizing that, as I look ahead, sometimes I forget to look around me. I'm not in the future yet; I'm still in the "in between". Life is exciting right now, too; I have outside classes every day, and I love my professors and classmates. School keeps things moving at a good pace. Still, when things are in such a continuous routine, it's easy to for them to seem mundane.
I think most of us are probably in an in-between season of some kind right now. There's something that we expect or hope for in our future, and we're still in the waiting season. Sometimes, the waiting is enjoyable; classes, activities, and friends can keep us busy. Other times, it can seem painfully slow and monotonous.
Wherever you find yourself, don't waste your in between season. Sometimes, the future looks so exciting that it's easy to miss the adventure of each day, in the here and now.
That's where I found myself last week. As I was reading a devotional email about praying for Muslims, I stumbled across an organization dedicated to reaching Syrian refugees. It turned out they had a base just twenty minutes from my future university! I was so excited at the thought of being part of that, and getting to show the love of Jesus to "real Middle Eastern people".
I still can't wait for that opportunity. But, this week, I found myself on my knees before God in thankfulness that He didn't let me miss the adventure in between then and where I was. Last week, a friend had sent me some information about the International Club at the community college where I'm taking some classes this semester. She had been involved when she was a student there, and said it was a great place for experiencing other cultures and reaching out to students who had no connections in the states. So this Wednesday, I invited one of my closest friends to come with me to check it out. Although it sounded interesting, I had to admit to myself that I didn't want to go. I had work to do at home, and there would be enough international-related adventures next year. Besides, it was a small community college, and there couldn't be that many international students who needed to plug in.
As it turns out, though, there were. I loved meeting so many new people, and seeing different cultures interact. We had some great conversations with some incredible people. But the one that stood out in my mind was with a young man with heritage in Iran. I had been looking forward to the future, and working with Middle Eastern refugees. But right here in front of me was a "real Middle Eastern person" who was willing to engage in conversation with me. He talked about his culture, his trips to Iran, and was open to talking about his faith, and even what he believed about Jesus, when I brought it up. I don't think I'll forget that conversation; it was amazing, to think that God had plans not just for my future, but for my here and now.
My favorite quote from Jim Elliot put it best: "Wherever you are, be all there!"
You are living on a mission field. Maybe God has placed you on a college campus to spread His love. Maybe He's given you a place to reach out in your city. Maybe He's just put you in your own home with a few outside classes. But wherever He has placed you, He has a plan for it. Don't miss the adventure of every new morning in His presence; be all there, wherever it is.
God isn't just in your future; He is in your in between season with you. And He is all there.... are you?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Worship Song:
"The Voyage",
by Amanda Cook (Bethel Music)
"The Voyage",
by Amanda Cook (Bethel Music)
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