Sunday, March 22, 2015

His Timing

I sat at my desk, scribbling on my week's planner. Pointe on Monday. Debate class on Friday. Iran's nuclear negotiation deadline on Tuesday. Before long, I got to the "Notes" section of the page. At the top, I saw the small list I had written out the day before: "Colleges to Research".

Several university names were penned below that heading. A shiver went down my back, as I realized that one of those could be my future home for four years of my life. The feeling was one of excitement, but uncertainty. Because I still don't know the plan for my life.

I know what I'm passionate about. I have ideas of how I might want to spend certain seasons of my life. But I still don't know the big picture of what God has in store for me. My guess is, most of us don't. And something about that terrifies us.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about God's time table. In Revelation, Jesus clearly says in His letters to the churches "I am coming soon." 2,000 years later, we are still in the waiting. But He has not lost control. There hasn't been a mistake. He wasn't delayed by an unforeseen circumstance. This is part of His perfect plan. His time table works differently than I think we would like it to. But in the end, as Ecclesiastes 3:11 promises: "He will make everything beautiful in its time."

Many times, I find myself wrestling with the uncertainty of my future. I wonder how long I'll have to wait, until I know "the plan" for my life. I wonder how I'll find out. But look at the life of Jesus. His ministry didn't start until he was around 30 years old. God's own son, who was perfect and sinless in every way, who was truly equipped for every good work, grew in wisdom and stature, and went through a season of preparation, that lasted most of his life. His actual ministry only lasted three years, but those three years changed the world, because they had been built in God's timing.

One of the biggest things I think I forget, though, is that the life I'm living right now can have an impact, too. Contrary to the theme of many Disney princess movies, you do not have to wait for your Prince Charming to sweep you off your feet, in order for your life to begin. We are in a unique stage of lives right now. We can reach out to people on a huge level, beyond what we realize. Even in the things that seem the most mundane, there is an opportunity to love and be the hands and feet of Christ.

Think back to the parable of the talents. Each servant was entrusted with a small amount, and given the opportunity to do something about it. One servant refused to use what he had been given. Maybe he thought he would waste it. Maybe he thought it wasn't important enough. Maybe he was holding out for something more. But the other two used what they had been given. The task probably seemed completely mundane at times. But they knew they were working for their King, and using what He had given them. And those who were entrusted with little and used it were given more; those who were faithful in the smallest things were the ones who were esteemed by their King.

It's so easy to think that these seasons of our life don't matter. It's so easy to waste them, and so many of us do. I know I have wasted some of mine. But don't underestimate the importance of the season of preparation. God can use a willing vessel in unbelievable ways, as He is shaping you into who He has created you to be. I used to think that this season didn't matter much, because I was only around Christians. At the time, I didn't even know any non-Christians, and I didn't feel like I had much of an opportunity to reach out to them, or do important work for the Kingdom. Everyone I knew already believed.

But Christians are not any less valuable to the Kingdom. Just because someone is saved doesn't mean they don't need strengthening. In 2 Corinthians 7, Paul writes about how he was comforted by a visit from Titus. I was struck, reading that passage a few months ago. Was Titus wrong to visit Paul?  Was he wrong to make a long trip to come encourage a body of believers, who had already been saved, instead of reaching uncharted waters with the Gospel?  No; he was right where God had placed him. God cares just as much about home schooled Christians as he does about unsaved souls on the other side of the world. Yes, there is a great rejoicing over the one lost sheep that was found, even though the ninety-nine had already been saved. But that doesn't mean the ninety-nine were any less valuable. I had always assumed the Christians around me were okay, and that I needed to be spending my life on "more important" things. But I've experienced some painful realizations and jarring conversations that have opened my eyes; Christians are not always as "okay" as they look. Time spent strengthening them is not a waste. Who knows?  Your love might change a life.

God's timing is perfect, and He does have incredible plans for you. But some of those plans are right here, right now, in the season of preparation. Don't be so busy looking ahead that you miss what He has for you in the here and now.

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Worship Song: 

"Save My Life",
by Sidewalk Prophets

(reflective, steady beat music)

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